Oh the 80's.
Arnold, Sly, Seagal, Van Dam, Willis and Dolph. The 80's had its own action movie style that can be described in one word, cheese. For some reason I love it, it has a flavor that just isn't reproduced now days. The same story over and over, guns, muscles and awesome one liners. Explosions and a simple plot are a necessity. The bad guys are pure evil, there is no need to guess who is in the right in these flicks.
Arnold was my favorite back in the day. Predator, Total Recal, Terminator and the Conan movies. But when I was a kid nothing could top 'The Running Man'. It had everything, a singing electrical fat man, a hocky player with a razor hockey stick and the guy with the chainsaw. When I was a kid I din't understand what the movie was about, but I got the action.
Recently I have been catching up on all the old action flicks I missed as a kid, especialy the Stalone flicks.(Apperently my Dad wasn't a huge fan of Sly) I am actualy enjoying them more than I thought I would. Stalone seems to have been trying for a little more intelegence in his movies, Arnold was going after the paychecks (Especialy in his later career and you can tell).
I vividly remember my fathers tape collection. He taped movies off the TV, and later off other tapes and he had a fairly large number of movies. Any time my parents left the house I would throw in a tape and watch random movies, and then one day I put in something called "Robocop", and pressed play. Well as the body parts were blown away from a guys body in the first few minutes, my brain was blown. I was disturbed and intreagued, my dad watches this stuff? This kind of stuff exists??
And so I watch. I prefer the cheesy stuff over gore and explised stuff and the 80's is great for the cheese.
For some reason this went back in time, oh well it was written on June 12th, 2009