Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ten books that should be read. (by someone)

I like making lists, so I will make one now.

Ten books that I highly recommend are.

1) 1984,George Orwell, THE book that made me love reading, mainly because I realized books could be relevant.

2) The Day of the Triffids, Long and dry but somehow compelling, one day the plants will take us out!

3) Arabian Nights, Wow! Reading this one as I write this and I am surprised at how much I like it, read the Husain Haddawy translation, it's not so crusty.

4) The Book of Absolutes, I can see myself picking this one up every few years, a must for all those philosophy lovers out there sick of relitavism. Hello?? Oh its just me...

5) Blaze, Stephen King, One of the new ones that flew under the radar. It's a new twist on Of Mice and Men, I Like it.

6) Sandman, Niel Gaiman, In the middle of this 11 book epic and I have no idea where its going, but I don't care the journey is excellent.

7)The Message, Sick of all the thees and thous in the other bible translations, me to, pick this up.

8)Starship Troopers, Robert Heinlein, Saw the dumb movie and not impressed? Forget it, and read the book.

9)The Dark Tower, Stephen King, Do you like Sci-Fi, Westerns, romance, fantacy and adventure? Read this 7 part epic, one day I will write more about this one...

And number 10 is always the next book, that wonderful mystery of a book unread.

Time for wonderful sleep.


  1. If you liked Arabian Nights, perhaps you might want to investigate Arabian Nights and Days by Naguib Mahfouz as an introduction to him. If that is to your taste, branch out farther into his works.
